Refer to the section on setting the display order of the fields in this article for instructions on how to do this organization. 参考这篇文章中设置显示顺序部分的说明,了解如何组织的知识。
This is a bit of extra work, but it pays off handsomely because all of the posts will then display in reverse order, as you can see. 这需要做一点额外工作,但是可以获得丰厚的回报,因为如您所见,所有贴子都将以倒序显示。
Imagine a situation in which you need to extend the example report to display salesman order history since the company inception, not just active orders from the last two years. 假设这样一种情况:您需要扩展示例报告,使其能显示从公司成立时起的销售人员历史订单,而不仅仅是最近两年的活动订单。
You can reconfigure the default display order of this outline as well. 还可以重新配置这个大纲的默认显示顺序。
The ordinal attribute can also be defined to the element to display page groups in any order. 在元素中也可以定义ordinal属性,从而可以按照任何顺序显示页面组。
The order shown in the display box is the order each rich text body field response is concatenated in the new email. 在显示框中的显示顺序就是每个富文本正文字段回复连接到新电子邮件中的顺序。
This process first updates the CRM record in the database with the order status and then creates a human task to display the order. 该流程将首先用订单状态更新数据库中的CRM记录,然后创建一个人工任务来显示订单。
When the user clicks on an order number, the portlet sends the order number to the Order Details and Customer Details portlets, which then display the appropriate order and customer details. 当用户点击订单号时,该portlet把订单号发送给OrderDetails和CustomerDetailsportlet,这两者然后显示适当的订单和客户细节。
Groups consist of a display such as "Order Type" or "Serial Number", and their contents such as a drop down box or text box. 组是由一个显示内容如“OrderType”或“SerialNumber”和它们的内容选项如下拉框或文本框这样的内容组成。
The file types editor can be used to specify the display order of actions for a file type. 使用“文件类型编辑器”,可以指定对某种文件类型执行的操作的显示顺序。
In other countries, China must display humane authority in order to compete with the United States, which remains the world's pre-eminent hegemonic power. 其次在外交上,中国也要向他国实施人道主义政策,这样才能与仍然占据霸道(权)地位的美国抗衡。
Move Down~~ Moves the selected item down in the display order. 后移~~将选定的项目在显示顺序中后移。
If the Full-screen mode checkbox is checked, K4000RC Viewer attempts to take over the entire local display in order to show the remote desktop. 如果选择了满屏模式复选框,为了显示远程桌面,浏览器试图接收整个就地显示。
'rand'-Display links in random order. 以任意的顺序显示链接。
Some men in the home, have been deleted before mobile phone ambiguous information or lover call display, in order to prevent be "check". 一些男人在回家之前,早就删除了手机里的暧昧信息或情人来电显示,以防止被“查”。
There is no need to put on a helmet-mounted display in order to enter virtual reality. 这不需用头盔,安放好以进入虚拟现实。
Move selected image up in display order 上移选定图像在显示顺序中的位置
"Specify which fields to display, order, formatting options and when to query" “定义显示的字段名、显示顺序、格式选项以及查询时间”
To register, call the800 number below or print out and send us the order form ( click on the Order Form button to display the order form). 要注册,请拨以下的800号码,或打印出订单后寄给我们(单击“订购单”按钮以便显示此表单)。
Moreover, a technique of screen display is utilized in order to increase visibility. 同时运用屏幕显示技术增加了可视性。
We can simulate a simple version of SQL, only simple sorting, simple selection criteria, the column display order and other functions. 我们可以模拟一个最简单版的SQL,只能实现简单的排序,简单的选择条件,列的显示顺序等功能。
With the PC 104-486 industrial computer as the control kernel, this thesis has developed an intelligent instrument which has measurement and control function of the aero-air pressure and display function in order to detecting the aero-air parameter instruments of the aeroplane. 本文以PC104-486工业控制计算机为核心,开发研制了具有气体压力测量、控制和人机交互功能,用于检测飞行大气仪表的智能仪器。
It is very important to deeply study this kind of questions in liquid crystal display in order to improve the characteristics of display device and find some new display modes. 深入研究这类问题,对提高显示器件的性能,探索新的液晶显示模式,有着很重要的意义。
Introduce a solution of converting instrument from LED display to LCD display, in order to decrease the power of instrument and enhance the display information. 介绍了一种将现有LED数码显示转换为LCD字符显示的方案,以解决系统功耗太高的问题,并改善了人机界面,使信息显示符合人性化的需求;
The order data promptly and accurately upload server, the vendor can grasp dynamic ordering data, and can be printed on-site to confirm the order contracts, ordering field dynamic display order statements and ranking, and guide the rational ordering of merchants. 订单数据及时准确上传服务器后,厂商可及时掌握动态订货数据,并能现场打印确认订单合约,订货会现场可动态显示订单报表及排名,引导客商合理订货。
DEM modeling is based on the multi-layer, the surface level as the sub-strata space, ground situation display in order to distinguish, for the same kind of body to give the same kind of formation property values. 2. 实体建模是在多层DEM基础上,将曲面作为地层空间的分层面,为了区别显示地层情况,对于同种地层体赋予同种属性值。
The host determines and uploads the test results; vehicle extension can achieve acquisition and transmission of car signal during the test; matrix LED display is in order to achieve the public of examination results, the examination results will be displayed immediately. 场地检测主机完成考生成绩的判定和上传;车载分机可以实现考试过程中汽车信号的采集和传输;矩阵LED屏是为了实现考试成绩的公开,将考试成绩实时显示出来。
In the Administrator background module, there are user management, books information management, book information display, order processing and other major function modules, introducing the implementation of each module subsystems in detail. 在后台管理员模块中,有包含了用户管理、书籍信息管理、书籍详细信息显示、订单处理等主要功能模块,并详细介绍各模块子系统的实现方法。
The purpose of this paper is to use the artificial intelligence method by computer to research the automatic reading system of analog display instruments in order to replace this arid and the tired work of artificially reading. 本课题旨在采用人工智能的方法研究指针式仪表的自动识别系统,来代替人工识别这一枯燥而劳累的工作。
Due to the need for more contents to display and in order to meet the requirements of simple, elegant, how to adjust the display elements is the focus of this discussion. A summary is given at the end of this thesis. 由于需要显示的内容比较多,同时为了满足简洁、美观的要求。如何对显示的元素进行摆放和调整是本文讨论的重点。最后,对本论文工作进行了总结。